About Free PlaylistFinder

This page has been created by a group of artists from various countries who were frustrated after paying 'a certain distributor' for the Ultimate plan, hoping they could connect us with thousands of real playlist curators as promised, not part of the payola system or the garbage that dominates the current music industry. After countless messages with their support service, mostly receiving automated responses or simple copy-pastes, all they have offered us is a message on every pop-up window when clicking on the playlists they find, which says: 'Never pay to get onto a playlist.' A message written with spelling mistakes as if we were joking.

Because of all this, we decided to offer an IMPROVED service completely for free. It's not just about offering a service, but questioning the system that controls visibility on platforms like Spotify and the true mission of so-called "curators", who can no longer be considered curators because they are only interested in money and don't truly listen to music.

This project is a cry of rebellion against an industry that prioritizes economic profit over art and places money above authenticity. Free PlaylistFinder is an alternative for artists who, like us, have been deceived by empty promises and want to find playlists that truly value music for what it is, without money being the driving force.

This is the only 100% free, non-profit playlist contact search engine created so far. Soon, we will implement a system for reporting payola playlists with a database that will be 100% reviewed and reported massively to Spotify and any other platform. In addition to our own playlists, which will be 100% TRULY CURATED BY PEOPLE WHO LOVE MUSIC AND WITHOUT PROFIT MOTIVE.